I'm a DM for a current D&D 3.5 campaign and while working on a fractal world map (as some of you may have seen my post) was looking for some ideas, tips, etc. I'm currently needing some help with my world building project, and could really use a cartographer to take up where I left off. This could be taken up by a few cartographers, as I realise the amount of time investment this requires. I have a world map created, but I need someone to add the bells and whistles, and then I need some kingdom maps created, as well as some regions, cities, villages, ruins, castles, etc. Basically, I'm looking for someone who loves map making and would like some challenges.

I can e-mail my world map, and I'm even open to starting all over with the mapping process, if you have something else in mind.

My world is very undead, magic, and ritual heavy, and even have some areas that are overrun by demons.

Please let me know if you have any questions, or would like to see what I have for a world map.
