Uh, I needed a fantasy map and was browsing through the Web when I came across www.fantasymapmaker.com , who had replied to others saying there were people who were willing to create fantasy maps here for free. So here I am, despite me being absolutely clueless about this particular subject. Hopefully this wouldn't take long, but I'm willing to wait, after browsing on the forums looking at the fabulous works you people made.
This is a -very- rough sketch I did on MS Paint for the first time.

It is for my RP on another forum, Midnight Madness, and I would like it if the map looks worn, and icons to replace the colours. I would prefer it as an area map, since RPers can't run all over the world in just minutes. The artist can have all the copyrights and stuff on it, as long as the image doesn't vanish in the long run. I don't even think I'm doing this right, but I'm really hoping for some help here, being secondary school student still.