More parks? Not necessarily. Why do your residents stay within the city wall? If they have to, and the city is prosperous and growing, there would be serious pressure on any open space. If your folks' technology is permitting taller buildings, then a lot of the growth could be upwards. On the other hand, if the prosperity is expressed in *some* of the locals getting filthy rich, then they might clear out a little breathing room around their homes, whether for safety, or for show & status, hence more parkland. If there's enough prosperity for some leisure, at least among some of the populace, maybe they need some athletic fields. Or if the Duke's retainers are required to maintain a bow and keep their archery skills up to date, maybe there need to be open-air firing ranges.

Reason I asked about era up front, was your misstart of a initial map looked like a more modern layout - a city center off to the side of a 'bypass'. Medieval patterns would more likely have main arteries going to and from the important city, with only minor routes going past instead. You have dodged that whole issue by focusing tightly within the walls, so that's a moot point. Still, your in-wall planning will benefit from what you're thinking about the surrounding spaces. For instance if there's thousands of acres of royal parklands just outside the gates, available to citizens, you could trim internal green space to the bone.

The latest version looks good. I sympathize with a wish for more detail. Other than insanity and hand cramps, putting in ten thousand buildings might not get you much, though. If you want to show the flavor of your city up close, maybe you could do an inset of the couple of blocks right around some really important feature -- leave it to the viewer's imagination to populate the other 500 city blocks with similar buildings. Make him work a bit :-).