Hello everybody,
I'm a brand new user of CC3. I find it very impressive! But I have some troubles for using it effectively. Maybe I'm wrong in my manipulations or I missed something.
First, I precise that I am French, and my English is not very good. So, please, excuse me if I'm not always understandable(
I'm trying to make my first map, and I some things are very confusing for my (I haven't the habit to use this kind of soft, ans some specialized terms are unkown for me).
I have a first serie of questions, and it will not be the last, I think) Let's start, in no particular order:
- SYMBOL PLACEMENT: if I understand correctly, symbol can choose they own sheet when placing it (it's an option), but not their layer, so I must choose myself the layer befaore placing the symbol (logical : layer are my own classification of things). Am I right? [this was a source of a lot confusion ...]
- SELECTION TOOL: I understood that I choose a command first, then select an object then do it. But, I find very difficult to select objects. I read the tips from the manual (list, select by color, ID#, and so) but it is not all clear in my mind. I precise that I work on entities in std CC3 / SS1e filled catalog (those are bitmaps IIRC). So everytime I want to pick up precisely a thing, I select the action (ex. ERASE), then try to pick somthing (a tree or a mountain, these are hard to catch!) with a left click ... usually, I miss eveything (no pick) or I pick a lot of things, and usually not the one I want ... (lots of squares, far bigger than the bitmap image itself). Is it something I do wrong? There is some others tips? [in fact, if someone around is a French speaker, I will be VERY glad if he can explain me all the whole action & selection process in French ... I admit that it is very confuse because I don't fully understand the subtilities of English explainations]
- How I can move selected objects from a layer or a sheet to another, without copying it by the menu "copy to layer" or "copy to sheet"? I want to relocate some things, and the only solution I found is to make a copy to the intented layer/sheet then erase the previous selection in the original layer/sheet ... not optimal ...
- I have a problem on the map I made (see attachement). I have all my buildings in the STRUCTURES layer. Originally, I'va placed them in the SYMBOL DEFINITION layer by mistake, so I use the copy to layer then erase method (see above). Now the problem is: if I hide the SYMBOL DEFINITION layer, its hide the STRUCTURES layer as well ... (the same for VEGETATION) ... Any clue?
This is for now, but I have a lot of interrogations, especially on organization of tools (configuratioon of the catalogs, scales, etc.) and efficient method of drawing.
Let's see that another time.
I thanks you by advanced for the answers.
Kind regards.
P.S.: if there is any CC3 ressources in French, I'll take it ;o)
P.P.S.: I also post this on the Profantasy Software forum.