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Thread: FTPro - Random World Mapping for Fun and (no) Profit

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  1. #30


    While I'm waiting for all the layer map slices to export, I'm browsing through the non-mapping worldbuilding threads, looking for tips about economy, trade, demographics, etc. I had some resources of my own already, and am busy bookmarking and subscribing to a bunch of others.

    This is far from definitive yet, but here are the general world concept questions I am pondering at the moment:
    * I wanted a world with plenty of space for the monsters and non-human races to exist, so it is not a semi-modern Renaissance-like world
    ** I am actually considering late Stone or Bronze Age, with maybe early Iron in a few places (dwarves most likely). Most resources are Medieval-oriented, but I can work backwards, and I already have some books on early history and tech development that I can build off of.
    * How did the world generate multiple sentient races?
    ** Are all the races branches of the same species, or completely different?
    ** Are they genetically compatible for crossbreeding?
    ** If they are the same species, why are they so different from each other?
    ** Does the race have a different outlook that would affect how they build nations?
    * What kinds of magic work? The standards are Wizard, Sorceror, Cleric, Druid, Shaman.
    ** How common is magic?
    ** How has magic affected a region?
    * Language - just started looking at some of these resources, so I haven't really developed a whole list for it yet.
    ** Edit: Just read the Language Construction Kit. Now my brain hurts... I'm going to need to be a lot better rested and coherent before I attempt that again.
    * Economics
    ** Trade very much depends on the population and tech of the world, so it can't be fleshed out until that is done.
    Last edited by Master TMO; 03-15-2011 at 03:52 PM.
    My Finished Maps | My Planet Maps | My Challenge Entries | Album: Pre-generated Worlds

    Assuming I stick with fantasy cartography, I'd like to become a World Builder, laying out not only a realistic topography, but also the geopolitical boundaries and at least rough descriptions of the countries and societies.

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