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Thread: Lir - Cor Regional Map

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  1. #11


    Thanks for all the great comments everyone.

    Airith: lol. Nice catch. I must have looked at the map for hours and never noticed that little mistake. Final version has been switched.

    Midgardsormr: Glad you like the rose. I've attached a psd file of it below for anyone who wants to use it. If you need a different format just let me know.

    Cartographist: Those ridgelines are a bit of a pain sometimes, but I still like the effect. I went through once to clean up several of the most out of place ones, but I can see now I missed a few. I'm not sure what causes them to go so out of whack sometimes, but next go around I'm going to try to make sure my paths don't have any weird 'kinks' or other angles that might be causing the issue. May just be something in PS.

    On the city markers I wrestled a long time to come up with a symbol that 'worked.' I wanted something simple, but also not too modern. I can't say I'm totally happy with them either. I went with the dark gray/black circles with the thought that they would have been easy for someone to just 'ink' in when creating the map. I may just try making them smaller next time so they are still visible, but not quite so...prominent. That is if I don't think of something else.

    Kagehito: The 'arrow' was defined by making a new brush from one of the standard calligraphy brushes set with the fade between 150 and 200 and a little size and roundness jitter. Then using the 'new' brush to stroke the path. An excellent tutorial on the whole 'ridgeline' process is located on Butch Curry's website here:

    Thanks again,

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