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Thread: May 2011 Challenge Entry - The Tripartite

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    Default May 2011 Challenge Entry - The Tripartite

    The idea here is a walled nation comprised of three races, all working together. Sure, they have their tiffs and problems, but they work it out for the good of the whole, and there is always a third vote to break ties.

    I have, in the past, found myself drawn to a vaguely cartoony style, which is very different and a lot harder than my normal texture-manipulation-and-layer-effects methods. But the point of these challenges is o make yourself grow as an artist, right?!

    Anyway, I have just started and am getting my footing here, so it might be pretty ugly for a while. I've made basic sketchup shapes to help me with perspective and consistency, then I am going in with a 3px brush with shape/transparency dynamics on it to sketch in the detail. This is also going to be a new experience for me, as I normally love crisp black lines which allows for easy coloring...

    I think I've bitten off a lot here, and it remains to be seen if I'll be able to chew it.

    Started work on the basic layout and have gone in to start sketching the first city--the human one.

    ### Latest WIP ###
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    Last edited by RecklessEnthusiasm; 05-03-2011 at 06:09 PM.

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