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Thread: May Challenge 2011 Entry: The Empire of Tyddarheym

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    Professional Artist Guild Donor Sapiento's Avatar
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    Jul 2009
    Salzburg, Austria

    Wip May Challenge 2011 Entry: The Empire of Tyddarheym

    The Empire of Tyddarheym was the third state in history since the beginning of written notes which was able to project its power on the whole continent of Tordaral. It saw itself as the rightful successor to the the First (the Commonwealth of Tordaral) and Second Empire (the United Republic of Tyddarheym), and names itself therefore often the Third Empire - which caused often diplomatic problems with the Kingdom of Rebenor, which was created on the ruins of the colonies of the Second Empire in West-Teringland and claimed for itself the status as successor of the United Republic.
    Although de jure a monarchy with a ruling Emperor, the Empire used many re-created institutions of the U.R. - the High Senate, the Imperial Court and the Provincial Assemblies - which made the Third Empire a mix of monarchy and republic. Historians are still arguing today if this was a voluntary solution - the first emperor Terhold I. could trace back his family to a High Consul of the U.R. and had a known soft spot for the history of the Second Empire - or if Terhold I was forced to allow this institutions (which restricted his power very soon) to have a legal lead over his opponents in the foundation wars, who cared nothing or very few for history and tradition.

    So far a little background for this entry, which is done in PS. At the moment I'm testing the composition of the map elements (hills, trees, etc), map is 50% size - for the final piece I will probably use an external link.
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