Carol Mayer couldn't quite believe what had happened. The planet Valkos had been stripped clean of all life by the USMG bombers and she had sat in the briefing room of Interworld CEO Parker Northrup's personal transport vehicle and WATCHED. She nearly vomited on the smug bastard when he smiled at her and reported the news. Valkos had huge deposits of Uranium and Nexium. both immensely valuable. Valuable enough to make the extermination of Valkos viable. Mayer wondered what the intelligent inhabitants of the planet thought was happening to them. The surveys had shown that they were pre-technology. The probably thought they had angered their gods and were being punished. Mayer knew that the plasma incendiary bombs used left little time for any kind of reflection. They ignited and everything not made of rock turned to ash. The thought made her desperate for a drink. Now barely 6 weeks later after her complete lack of conviction after all her brave self-talk and complete cowardice. The Interworld Survey Ship Nebraska was orbiting another green world. Mayer wished with a passion that approached prayer that they would find nothing. But somehow deep in her guts she knew better....

Here we go again.. I decided this challenge sounded like a good excuse to follow the continued adventures of that tortured soul Survey Captain Carol Mayer and the Giant Evil Conglomerate known as Interworld Energy. I also wanted to work on my planet building skills. I'm pretty proud of this one. now for all the "survey" bits....

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