Here is the finished version of the continent of Mydresia, done as a commission for Malken for his novels...!

Well... technically it isn't finished as I still need to add a few more wetlands when I get the positioning info but as it is only a 5 minute job and will make little difference to the finished version as far as everyone else is concerned I thought I'd post it up now and sign off on it on here.

The client doesn't require labels, cartouche, scale bar etc. so I'm afraid you will have to use your imagination as to how it would look when fully tarted up that way. It's a shame as I reckon a map only comes to life when it is fully populated in that way.

Anyway, this is posted at 50% size.

Mydresia - final.jpg

This is a commissioned image and is therefore posted as a strictly no unauthorised usage map.