Hello everyone !
I just discovered your site, and haven't had the time to go through all of it yet, but it seems quite thorough and friendly !

The name is Tristan, but the nickname goes by Twist. (twister here, since the former has already been taken ...)

I'm an architect, currently 30yrs old, long time role playing gamer and storyteller. I've been in the "mapping" business ever since I've learned how to use a pen, paper and imagination, so this forum seemed like a very providential discovery ! I've picked up paintball playing and organising games a couple of years ago, then switching to live role playing games, and a few of my slim photoshopping and autocad skills have proven to be very useful in this field (also the fact that it's actually my job to draw plans and maps ...).

I'll try to find the time to post here a few examples of what I've been doing over the time, from Vampire the Dark Ages maps, to actual paintball fields, and maybe a few of my own professionnal works as well, as soon as I get a hand on my backup hard drive (must be lying somewhere around my stuff ...)

I'm a "quiet poster" type of forum user, since I'm quite busy during my day, but I try to keep myself informed and in the loop when it comes to essential things, so don't hesitate to ask me anything, it might take me some time to answer, but as we frogs say, "better late than never !".

ooh, and, I'm half aussie as well, so g'day to y'all mates !

Cheers !