Hi all, I'm currently working on this map to go along with something I'm writing. Whenever I get writer's block I just come back and put some time into the map. As it stands, I have a large portion of the map drawn out. Most of the names that are on the map are for keeps, some are just placeholders that will likely be changed. As you can see, the north and east haven't received the attention of the main land.

Anyways, what I'd like you to comment on/critique is mostly geography. I wanted much of the land to be temperate with the southeast (Talacian Coast) to be a coastal desert. I also wanted to throw a fens (a la the Fenlands in East England) somewhere in the map, but I'm not sure where would make the most sense. Finally, I was wondering if you guys could provide some suggestions as to how to depict the "Green Sea," and the cliffs/bluffs/fall line that makes up the edge of the "Sea" on the map. For your assistance, I have described it in my writing as:

"The Green Sea stretched away forever, rippling in the soft eastern breeze as wavelets in a puddle would. The stalks of the grass slapped against the base of the cliff, seeming to lap against it like a surf. It seemed boundless and unbroken, stretching beyond the horizons in his entire field of vision. The most unsettling part of all was the consistency of the thing, it appeared to rise to exactly the same height as far as he could see. The feeling that he was gazing upon a great green sea was complete, down to the rough wind in his hair and the reflection of the sun's rays on the stalks as if it were water."

I know that my style of mapmaking is pretty plain, but I just can't work with any of those other programs.

Thanks in advance for any comments, critiques, suggestions, or other help!
