Hey mapmakers,

I already came here once in order to ask for a simple world map http://www.cartographersguild.com/sh...156#post149156 and got exactly what I wanted and now as my world is progressing, i would also like to flesh-out a single city around which my fall campaign will revolve.

Again, I would ask if someone could put together a simple black-and-white, not complex, easy-to-edit-in-Paint map of a coastal town (port) (maybe something like this, but may be MUCH simpler: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-X2N7FCGffz...nople_map1.jpg)

with the following parts:

District of Bahamut (complex of temples)
City garrison
Temple of Boccob
Temple of Correlon Larethian
Temple of Moradin
Parks: Fountain park, Park of Polozar, Par of Al Abdurin
City theatre
Naclein bank
Main market
Konsorcium – sort of town hall where leading merchant families meet
The Red street
Warehouse district guard headquarters
Warehouse district

City is supposed to have docks, some urban areas, old and new part (maye some old walls?) and a large complex of temples, dedicated to Bahamut outside of city, but I would really like to leave the shaping of this thing to whichever mapmaker enthusiast who feels like putting some time into making of this map.

Name of the City is Asfaja, its size ... about 100.000 inhabitants I guess and it is positioned on a coast, which changes into a desert-ish land the further inland you go.

Large and simple map is welcome.

Copyright - Well, It is a map for a d&d campaign. If author wants, his/her name/handle can be on the map, along with perhaps his online site, but I have no intention to use it for a commercial means.