Of course you can have 14 Mid. I was wondering when somebody'e sense of proportion would become so offended that they would feel the need to fill the gap.

My region (13) is called Groam. Its people were historically rather independent without much in the way of strategic or political alliances with other nations. Its a culture that in ages past grew wealthy as a result of rich silver deposits in its mountainous Eastern regions. But the silver ran out and the plague came, out of the East, carried by streams of a refugees. Huge barrier walls were erected to control the influx, and a special military order known as the Grey Watch (named for the greay skin blotches that mark the bodies of plague sufferes). The watch had an uneviable job, as Groam's frontiers retreated Westward behind them, but still rumours of atrocities began to reach the ears of the city dwellers in the cities. The watch became notorious and secretive. Several more walls followed as civilisation retreated Westwards to escape the scourge of the plague. Many doomsday cults sprang up togther with alternative religions fiaxted upon the plague and its significance. the plague sufferers themselves began to occupy large settlements abandoned in this way.

Today the walls are crumbling ruins and the plague had reached well beyond them. The migration has resulted in the few cities in the West swelling way beyond capacity. Poverty and crime are rife in those cities. The poor and indigent are preyed on by unscrupulous cults and scheming politicos. And everywhere there is fear of the dreaded plague.

I'm still working on the rest in my head.
