Hopefully I'm posting this in the right place!

I started using photoshop for the first time at the weekend so this has been a really steep learning curve for me. Basically I just wanted a rough map to help me with my writing but having spent some time on this forum over the last few days started to feel a bit more inspired to create something that looked a bit prettier than just a few scribbles. My artistic tendencies only stretch as far as matchstick people so this has been somewhat of a challenge to me and also eye opening in that I've discovered you don't need to be particularly artistic or talented to create some nice looking work - you just need a bit of imagination.

This map is for the first place encountered in the book I am working on, it is a relatively small country with an even climate. It is very much a work in progress while I start to get to grip with various techniques and so I don't expect the finished version to look very much like this at all. Prime example of my newbie mistakes is that I only realised a few hours ago that every time I make a new layer, I probably shouldn't do it by copying the work I've already done (so that's how layers work!! lol).

I'm really enjoying working on this and this site is a fantastic resource.

So, here is the beginnings of Marisia - please be gentle with me as it's all one big experiment at the moment

Marisia v6.jpg