I just wanted to drop in and give you guys a little backend information about the site. And most of it is thanks to you guys! Most of the time I do this in the Community Leader forum to show them how well they're doing , but this time you all get to play. All of this information is of course courtesy of my ISP's statistics gathering software.

First I wanted to show you all a very pleasing image. This warms my heart.

Notice the trend?

And here's a little more up and down...but there's still a positive climb here and its awesome!

Now...we have some personal business to discuss. I was looking at the search queries...and I'm kinda worried...I mean I've never declared this site as a family site, but we do tend to maintain some level of clean-ness. Most of these search word queries make sense to me...till we get to # 13...look for yourself.

1.	cartographers guild	862
2.	cartographers	353
3.	cartographer's guild	294
4.	cartographer	268
5.	cartographer guild	253
6.	cartography guild	135
7.	http://www.cartographersguild.com/	84
8.	guild forums	81
9.	cartography forum	68
10.	guild forum	59
11.	guild of cartographers	50
12.	place name generator	49
13.	photoshop sperm filter	36
14.	dungeonforge	36
15.	town name generator	36
16.	campaign cartographer forum	35
17.	fantasy language generator	34
18.	cartographersguild	33
19.	cartographer forum	33
20.	starship deckplans	32
Anybody wanna come clean on that one? Anybody? I mean 36???

Well, thats it for this episode...Thank you all for visiting and keep up the good work!!!