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Thread: WiP: USS Singularity, NCC-74855

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  1. #15
    Community Leader mearrin69's Avatar
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    Yeah, thanks. It was my way of being able to ensure that a player will always have a character that can participate no matter what's going on. It also lets them explore their own paths in the game...I might end up having one of the PCs assume command of the ship at some point but I've made it clear that role can only fall to a character that takes the 'command course' and wears a red shirt. If one of the players doesn't want to go that route then he/she can make that decision for the characters they're playing...or even for a single one of their characters.

    The adventures I've outlined so far are pretty varied, the sort of stuff the TNG Enterprise got up to. Maybe they're on their way somewhere and end up in a sideline situation that requires combat and/or diplomacy. It's not their mission (science) but they're Johnny-on-the-spot for the Feds so they have to take care of it. In something like that it's going to be the diplomatic and security/tactical types (and maybe medical) that get to shine. Other missions will be mostly scientific and that's when the science-focused characters will come into the spotlight (and maybe ops and maybe the he tries vainly to keep the ship away from that cosmic string or whatever).

    I'm hoping the players pick a wide range of characters to play. Even if they don't have a character that's appropriate for a given scene I plan to have NPCs available so they can still participate (one of the Daystrom scientists or a red-shirt for an away team or whatever).

    Edit: Deck 7, main engineering...
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    Last edited by mearrin69; 10-02-2011 at 01:09 PM.

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