Sure, I only just recently joined the project when they started talking about maps, but here goes:

The project is named The Elsweyr Confederacy and is going to create the Province of Elsweyr, homeland of the Khajiit and bring it into Oblivion. There are going to be plenty of new quests, factions, and a good deal of other content. I know that there has been a lot of progress recently with the city of Orcrest which is situated pretty much smack-dab in the middle of the Ne Quin'Al Desert. Since there hasn't been representation of Elsweyr since Arena was released back in 1994, most of the visual style is being created by the team based on the available lore in books and the two Pocket Guides to the Empire.

Besides just the breed of Khajiit shown in Oblivion (which I believe were either Cathay-Raht or Suthay-Raht) the project will be including the sixteen different breeds of Khajiit whose appearance and size are determined by the phases of the moons at their birth. This project will be adding a bunch of stuff previously only mentioned in books, like The Mane (spiritual leader of the Khajiit) and liberation groups such as the Renrijra Krin.

This project is part of a group of other province buliding projects called Beyond Cyrodiil which includes teams recreating the provinces of Valenwood and Black Marsh. Other projects are also adding new territories as well, Tamriel Rebuilt is recreating Hammerfell and there is also a seperate team creating High Rock; these two aren't related to us, but it's always nice to give other teams some lip-service . The Elsweyr project is also affiliated with the Silgrad Tower project who are recreating their mod from Morrowind which added a large chunk of mainland Morrowind off the coast of Vvardenfell.

So, players will be able to travel across the arid wastes of the Ne Quin'Al Desert in Anequina all the way down through the Tenmar Forest to the capital of Senchal in Pellitine.