This month we're going post apocalyptic. Take the world and tear it up. The cause could be humanities need to delve into dark secrets, the arrival of a hell breach on earth, alien invasion or good old classic nuclear winter. Pick your favourite end-of-days scenario and create a map of a world after day-zero.

What you map is up to you. It could be a zombie defence post in a city overrun by the undead, a farmstead on an outer planet after the interstellar fleet has been destroyed or a territorial map of north america after Yellowstone explodes. The choice is yours.

Extra points* will be awarded for creative means of destroying all civilisation.

Please remember to place a ### Latest WIP ### tag in any post with an image that you want to be picked up for the challenge thumbs. Note that only the first image in any given post will be picked up by the thumnbnailer no matter where the ### Latest WIP ### thread is placed. So stick to one image per post to avoid any unexpected behaviour.

This challenge will end on the 15th of November. The winner will be chosen by public vote, and will get a silver lite compass, $40 from Profantasy and honour and glory.

* points, in this case, do not mean prizes.