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Thread: Forest Region Map

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  1. #21


    Okay quick update time...

    Haven't done as much in the last couple days in terms of actual progress, as I've been doing a lot of experimenting and trial and error, specifically with different text/font styles and such for the map. Haven't found anything I like yet.

    I did get the shading around the borders re-done, this time using both the sorta "jagged line" effect as well as a slight shadow around the interior. I think it helps to wrap the area up nicely.

    Another obvious addition is some trees scattered about. I just finished this about 10 minutes ago, and did a number of "passes" before finding an overall density/distribution I'm happy with; keeping with the more "iconic" look I'm going for. I still need to add trees to the bog area (the dull purplish area in the S/SW portion). Those are going to look a bit different given the different environment they're in; a bit more "ragged". Still need to draw those. I think I'm also going to put in a handful of tree "clusters" here and there, just to mix it up a bit. The trees are by no means final, but they're on the right path...

    I also threw in a dinky little makeshift compass thingy in the upper-right corner. Was a sort of "side activity' while thinking through how to approach some other aspect of the map that I don't recall at the moment... Oh! Also added a sort of "stained" effect around the outside of the map just to help the whole "antique feel" of it; just a subtle touch. And roads!

    Still to do is to create a logo, a legend and a title for the map (all that empty space is left at the top of the map for a reason :-p)

    And that's about it for now.

    Would like some feedback/thoughts on the trees, their placement, etc. And of course, about anything else about the map that might come to mind.


    Last edited by Preypacer; 11-09-2011 at 12:42 AM.

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