Howdy folks. Me again,
After seeing the original post (here) about the map and the model that was produced for the one miniatures game I decided to try and knock out a 'cleaned up' version of the Moat House. Basically I removed all of the rubble and broken wall sections.
Here's the basic map that I started out with. It was a screen-cap, I'm guessing, that I found off the net. After removing all of the rubble and repairing the walls, doors and redrawing the stairs (btw: does anyone know of a 'stairs' brush somewhere I could grab?) it started to look something like this:
I decided to adjust where the drawbridge was since the original version looked oddly askew. From here - people could take it and run. It's a basic fortified house that they could number and describe as as far as they want.
Once I had the basic shapes in place I decided to add a Drawbridge element and a parchment background to give it a parchment background for texture. White is great for printing it out - but for the net you can make it look a bit better IMO.
moat-house-10c.png moat-house-10d.png
I added both versions (with and without the graph lines) in case someone doesn't like the scale.
Finally, I drew in the basic shape of the surrounding moat and filled it in with color and texture to give it more of a 'completed' look.
I -could- stop here but after I started to look at the design and the original concept sketch that was in the module (below), it occured to me that this was a two-story structure originally and I needed to add a new layer.
That's where the "In-Progress" part kicks in. Additionally, there was a complex system of tunnels and chambers below the original house that doesn't need much clean up work. However, I'm still not happy with how they have positioned the stairs that go up to the second floor or down to the basement / cellar. I might re-work those a bit.
Additionally, the back 'tower' room looks like it could be expanded up as well. Possibly into a third or fourth story depending on the scale of the room. If you're a fortified house (a house with a protective wall around it) would you not want a watch tower?
To add a set of stairs to the ground layer, I'll just knock out one of the arrow loops along the side so that a set of stairs can be installed. Btw: Does anyone have good clips / tiles for stairs that actually look like stairs?
Any feedback on the addition of the second floor, positioning of the stairs (tiles for stairs) or arrangement of the watch tower would be welcomed.
-Green Pilgrim