This should really go under WIP as it's a slightly unusual project. The map is of the Western Ocean of Open Design's world of Midgard. Here's the map so far:


Currently it's a little empty as the details of the map are undecided. Open Design is running a Kickstarter to design the lands of the Western Ocean - archipelagos, reefs and islands that adventurers can explore in storm tossed ships. When the project begins in earnest (in 17 days time) the real design will begin and the sea will start to fill up with exotic locations. At the moment, all we really have is the western coast of the mainland, the city at the end of the world, and the virgin expanse of the Isle of Morphoi (that's starting to take shape in these blog posts over on Kobold Quarterly).


If you're interested in world design (and really - who here isn't), I can highy recommend jumping in on the project. OD is great for cutting your teeth with pro designers.

The plan for the map will be to add lements such as wind roses, tentacled beasts of the deep, and other decoration to the chart as we progress. I also need to add and label all the existing coastal settlements, which will be the first task. If I get permission I'll post the updates here as we go forward - though high res images will have to be restricted to those who jump in on the Kickstarter I'm afraid.