HI guys,

I am working on a huge world map at print resolution....file is 12000 x 4800 px (32.4mb) 16-bit grayscale .PNG file.

I am working on a toshiba laptop with 3 GB ram + and external hard drive scratch disk of 75GB. It is running Windows Vista 32 bit. I also re-installed the newest version of Wilbur for my system and tried this a second time.

I am able to open the file and view it, however when I begin to do anything with the file (fill basins, incise and flow) it says it is not working, but It is actually using 98% of the CPU, so I know it is still working, then eventually it crashes.

I am assuming that this is a RAM issue. IF so, is there a way I can tell Wilbur to use the external Hard drive as a scratch disk?? I am using this set up in PSCS3 with no issues what so ever.

Please advice if there is an upward file size limit, or if there is a way for me to bypass this issue......

All I need is to get the file incised and a few other things to import back into Photoshop.....
