Disclaimer: The material in this posting is of use only to users of Campaign Cartographer (TM) 2, Campaign Cartographer Pro 2 or Campaign Cartographer 3 from ProFantasy (TM) Ltd. This material cannot be used by other programs. This material also is strictly vector material. It is absolutely useless to anyone interested only in raster mapping with CC3.
Between 2006 and 2008, my colleagues and I created a large set of OGL 3.5 vector symbols for Campaign Cartographer (TM) 2 Pro from ProFantasy Ltd. If I remember correctly, there are 1,728 symbols in all. Many of them are connecting symbols and/or varicolor symbols. The graphic below gives one a quick sampling of a few of these symbols. The collection also includes three accompanying PDF booklets.
These symbols were made to support the Northern Journey (TM) Adventure that we had created for the Forgotten Realms (R) campaign setting from Wizards of the Coast (R). At that time, we released the full vector symbol set under the Open Game License 1.0a.
In January 2009, we assigned all rights to Northern Journey to www.candlekeep.com. We then began new projects, went solely to raster mapping with a new program and removed these symbols sets from our website because they no longer were relevant to our current products.
In the past year, we have received a number of requests from CC3 and CC2 users to make these symbol sets available again. We've offered these persons an opportunity to host the symbol downloads on their own websites, but we've had no takers to date. Therefore, I've temporarily uploaded our OGL Symbol Sets on the company server, to see if anyone wants to set up a download site for the symbols. They will be available through December 31. The address is:
http://www.steigerwaldedv.de/downloa...symbolsets.zip (116 MB)
This package includes not only the symbol sets but also the booklets in PDF, OpenOffice.org Writer (.odt) and Microsoft (R) Word 97-2003 (.doc) formats. This will give anyone who wishes to do so the ability to customize the booklets.
Because this collection is Open Game Content under the Open Game License 1.0a, anyone can offer it for download on their websites. The only restriction is that you comply with the OGL. Part of what that means is:
1) You simply can offer the original file ogl_symbolsets.zip without any further steps, if you wish.
2) You may not make use of Product Identity. Except in Section 15 of the OGL, you may make no use of our trademarks, particularly the Vintyri (TM) trademark. You may not state anywhere that these symbol sets are Vintyri products or otherwise use the Vintyri trademark in any manner. (They are not, in fact, Vintyri products but are named only OGL Symbol Sets).
3) If you customize a symbol set or a PDF booklet in any way, you must remove the Impressum section from the booklet.
4) If you derive new symbols from our symbols and you wish to distribute them, you must do that under the OGL and you must declare these symbols as Open Game Content. Likewise, you may not declare any of our symbols to be Product Identity (i. e. closed content).
If anyone has questions, feel free to contact me. However, there is no need to contact me for permissions. Those already are granted by the OGL.