So here it is my glove in the face of all those Gremlins who seek to keep me from unleashing my strange unfettered creativity upon the warned but unsuspecting guild. Earlier this year I lost 90% of my mapping tools and previous attempts to a crash of my backup drive. Damn those Gremlins !!! Anyways so I decided to start afresh with a unified World map and then redo all the Regional maps that I lost. This is a basic continent layout that adheres to adventures that were run LONG ago. The reason I came here in the first place. It is intentionally devoid of rivers & mountains at this stage. Also most of the Islands are too big in scale but are in the right locations and of the finished shape. I experimented with an inking "LOOK" don't know if I pulled it off but I like the effect just the same. More to come hopefully at a accelerated pace. WORLD MAP 2Crev.jpg