I've been working on my own homebrew campaign setting of Darkath for years now. After visiting the guild I've been inspried to create all manner of maps for my setting. It all started out with some very rough hand-drawn maps and it has evolved to following different tutorials to make more inspiring cartographical depictions of Darakth. Now I'm seeking to completely reimagine the campaign setting without losing what work I've already put into the rich history. Namely I am seeking to change the shape of the main continent to allow for a more realistic look as well to inspire sea and air travel. while I was able to easily follow Ascension's atlas-style tutorial, my work was apparently lacking. I will post the old map up here for now and as I progress I will update with my sketches of my new continent structure. I'm looking forward to getting any feedback or suggestions you all may have.

My rough idea as of now is to create two to three continents surrounding a central ocean with some sizable breaks between them. This central ocean will have a series of islands of varrying sizes, including one large enough to be a sub-continent. I wish to develop better coastlines with more inlets, peninsulas, deltas, and fjords. My weakest points are these and island placement.
