
I was pretentious enough to write a series of articles in my weblog in spanish (http://retrincos.net) about how I draw my maps. Mostly I did it for the fame and money, but lacking that I also thought it'd be a nice way to organize how I go when drawing maps. Writing a "walk-through" will force me to think about how I do it, and hopefully help me improve.

These are the first "showable" stages of the map. First bare, second with (provisional) names. As you'll see, I've not written real names for the smaller regions, just generic ones ("zone 1", "zone 2" ...). By now I'm concerned with finding a good font and the right combination of colors for it to be easy to read.

The pictures are hi-res JPGs, somewhat compressed and ugly, but they give a good idea of where I'm going to. I don't plan to draw forests or any other elements besides rivers and mountains, but depending on the combination time+energy I could draw them afterwards.

Comments and critique welcome. Thanks in advance.
