I've done a couple of hand-drawn island maps, and the feedback I've gotten has been super helpful. So I got kinda ambitious, and made a big map for a writing project I'm engaged in.


I couldn't have made this without the tons of resources I found on this site, like Jeremy Elford's tutorials and RPGMapMaker's brushes for the palm trees. I found some mountain brushes on DeviantArt and did the hills and the city icons myself. So thanks to all those people for posting these great resources.

I'm pretty happy with where it's at, except for the jungle. RPGMapMaker's palm trees are lovely, but they don't really say "jungle". I just couldn't figure out something that would. If anyone's got suggestions, love to hear them!

Likewise, if there's anything else that jumps out at you as not really working, please let me know. Thanks so much!