Hi Ihmemies, sure you can. We're currently in the middle of a build in which we're adding much more realistic mountains to the whole map. I'm actually running a test at the moment on that precise area you're looking for. If all goes well, I'll be able to let you have it within the week. We've just got a wee problem to iron out.
Btw, do I know you from somewhere else..? From Yahoo Fan modules perhaps? :-D

We took the ME-DEM ftp off public access because I found a lot of my Tolkien research on a Chinese site that was earning money for hosting document files. The woman was making money from my stuff, indirectly. She didn't ask me for permission to take it either- probably used a crawler bot to get the files. Since we don't get a lot of people seeking to use our stuff, we didn't see any benefit to keeping access open anymore. If you register at ME-DEM we could work something out better
