Good-bye, Grandfather of games (Gary Gygax) in your passing you shall be missed. I wanted these to be my first words ever used on a computer. My wife just taught me how to go on line (no more stone and chisel) and this is the first sight I looked up. I swear it's true. That being said, I hope I can contribute in some small way to the passion we evidently share - Dungeons and Dragons in general and The Forgotten Realms in particular. Your maps are the best I have ever seen of the entire world of TORIL, and I would love to know where some of your info comes from so I can read up on it myself. Further, having played the game steadily for 30+ years, I have accumulated thousands of books and supliments in hard copy and may be able to supply you with some obscure tidbits. In any case, map design of the entire planet is the Holy Hobby Grail, and I can't wait to hang this bad-boy on my wall - The bigger the better!!!