Hello, my name is Meej-Dar. Well, that is not my real name, but it's my user name. It is the character of a story I'm writing which takes place in the wonderful world of Tamriel. The story is my character's playthrough of all five Elder Scrolls games.

Anyway, I am brand spankin' new to map making. I use GIMP 2.6, and so far have made two maps. One was a sample map, one that I made to help myself get familiar with map making, and the other is a map of Ta'ana, a province in the world of Flytch, which is the setting of a new story I am working on. Ta'ana is one of three provinces in Flytch, the other two being Lur and Tir. I will make their maps soon. The story I am working on is kind of like Lord of the Rings meets White Wolf's World of Darkness. Ta'ana is the land of vampires, Lur is the land of mages, and Tir is the land of werewolves. They have humans as slaves. But enough about that, this forum is for maps!

I realize that the font on this map is hard to read, but I cannot figure out a way to change it. If anyone knows how to change the font of a map that has already been saved, I would very much like to know. Again, this is using GIMP 2.6.
