
I've finished the coloring for now. I think its shaping up nicely.
I finished adding shadows under the trees and other things as well.

The mountain lines going through the dwarven caste/fort are actually the chains for the drawbridge

As for the labeling, as much as I wanted to use the font that I had made, my handwriting is simply too small and I felt like it didn't quite match the rest of the map. I've switched to using the Of Wildflowers and Wilderness font.

I've imported this whole thing to photoshop now to work on the paper textures and give some final touches. (The labeling may look really difficult to read right now, but I will be fixing that up in photoshop)

The import from Illustrator to Photoshop was a bit of a challange as the illustrator file was large and wouldn't let me export it as a psd. What you see here is the map scaled down to 10% of its size. If anyone wants to see the entire ridiculously large image, the link is here.