Hello all. Currently I'm developing a huge (and I do mean huge, about the size of Jupiter) campaign setting for dungeons and dragons. This world will be designed for basically limitless adventures because I wanted to make an EPIC campaign world setting. Here is the World Map Sketch I came up with. Keep in mind, this is only one hemisphere of the world.


Now basically the concept is the following as I've been working on the worlds regions and locations as far as INFORMATION goes. I definately want a professional looking map and probably sub maps for each region. I've put certain locations on this sketch simply for the world creation process. Once all this is finished, I plan on submitting everything to WoTC and trust me if you decide to help on it, you will definately get credit where credit is due:

In a time now lost in the memories of many, the mass of desolate landscape brought itself upon the world of Teros. Some say it was judgement for the corruption that had seethed it's way into the world, while others say it was a natural event. Speculation of the reason runs rampant through the minds of the Terronians, and the vast difference of the various cultures show just that.

What everyone agrees on is that the Dark Crusade was the first event that assured the people of Teros that this foreign land was not one of peace and life, but one of death and power beyond what any had ever seen in recorded history.

Devils and demons, the unliving, twisted beings beyond imagination began to make their appearance from beyond the Great Divide. It was at first thought to be impassible and many died trying to finally break this myth a few hundred years ago. Now, the terrible abominations that have killed thousands seem to at a stalemate with the forces of good. Men of the purest hearts, winged angels from the heavens, and knight kings of the utmost respect have made their presence known in Teros. It would seem that the gods themselves would have mortals play a role in their fate, causing a standstill...for now.

It has been over 500 years since the last battle of the Dark Crusade, and now a great shadow begins to move towards the Great Star. It appeared from beyond and inches slowly over the sky, inspiring awe in it's great silence...

A more detailed history for DM's will be provided, but this history is basically what any player could and would know about the history of the world when beginning play.

Now unfortunately some of the right side of the map was cut off when I scanned it in, but you can get the gist of what I'm talking about. Teros is on the right and the Unknown Lands are on the left.

I plan on doing a more detailed sketch of this hemisphere now that I have a basic draft of it complete. Any helps/comments/etc will be greatly appreciated.