I did not ask him to reply here but I do intend to send him an email thanking him in private and asking if there is an accommodation we can come to so I can show his work on my game's site again. I do think they make very good products and want them to succeed at a company. Mario is a very nice guy from my few interactions with him.

This project is not a city by any stretch of the imagination. It is only 9 buildings that currently all fit into a neat simple rectangle. I only want to spread the buildings out to make the town more organic. The only thing on the map will be the rooftops.

The product I am using has detailed floor plans of each of the buildings. The other (now taken down upon request) citadel also is a room by room map product that I purchased from 0onegames. I am using four of their maps in the current Blood Trail Era in my game, one for each of the story arcs.

I am glad we can have this discussion here on the Guild so that all artists can see the complications that can arise and how they can be dealt with to everyone's satisfaction.