Hello people! I'm kinda new here... ^^ (registered a little time ago)
Well, i'll go direct to the point. I'm creating a RPG scenario, of Medieval Fantasy, with a bit of dread, to play in the internet, in a brazillian program of RPG (I'm Brazillian... =P). And, i've created a map, of the scenario. But... It's my first time, and I need a bit of help, to make it.

This scenario has:
- a great abyss, that destroyed a large part of the continent of the scenario, with a small floating island in the middle of the Abyss.
- An Land, where the "life" didn't reached, in the extreme north/south.
- A land of desert, in the south

And so for. And I need help to create that in the scenario. I use Photoshop 7.0.1. In that moment, I just have an free-hand drawing of the map.

Here it is! And, I wanna ask help, to make that simple map, to be a great map to show to my players.
Thx for reading that, and awaiting for a little help. Thx! o/