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Thread: height field to sphere?

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  1. #11


    i don't see that as the challenging part.. my awareness of voronoi alg is cursory.. my conception was that each pixel is checked against n number of points and the distance relative to them is used (i assume taking the ratio of the two closest points would suffice). i'm sure several methods would work for distributing a desired number of points fairly evenly (eg. even equidistance along latitude with longitude randomised on the equirectangular map would still appear fairly random and could take some elementary improvements).

    using the outcome to reduce the height field along edges would break up ridges, but going to the bother of improving the algorithmic model at all versus manual editing would invite continuing into developing the height field along continental seams.. and the amount of research there doesn't interest me :p
    Last edited by xoxos; 05-27-2012 at 04:11 PM.

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