Ok, where to start?
Hello and thanks for having me back amongst your ranks. I'm sure at least one of you will remember me and my feeble attempts at making maps from a few years ago.
And since life tends to go in circles, I'm back at a point where I'm gaming on a constant bases and with running a game I need to create maps.
I have recently upgraded to CS3 from GIMP, and I'm wanting to add some life to the current game map we are using for our current game. Similar to what Tear did when he redid the Westros map but with no where near the skill or outcome that he had, but hopefully something that will add some life to the gaming world we are playing in.
We are playing a game called Darwin's World. It's a post-apocalyptic game set in the USA about 200-250 years after 2011. The map they use is an interesting version of the USA, but not very detailed. The original creator used different color patches to represent mountains/grand canyon/Nuclear deserts and such. I like the maps look and appeal but for me and my group, I want to add more detail.
I downloaded several of the PS/GIMP tuts, so I can learn how to use CS3 to make maps, canyons, and mountains like the pros on this site. But most of the tuts seem to me show you how to set them up in a random way and not in a specific place on the map. I know that it can be done and that it is probably pretty easy to do but for the life of me I can't figure it out.
So i guess what I'm asking is that if there are any tuts on here that might show me how to do it , that any of you can think of off the top of your heads. Can you direct me in the right direction? I have looked thru the tut forum but I'm sure I missed the one's i need. Plus learning a new program at the same time doesn't help with the brain overload. Good thing this forum and group have always been helpful in setting a lost cartographer on the right track.
I'm attaching a copy of the map I want to recreate. It belongs to the creators of Darwin's World. I'm just showing it here as a reference to my starting point.