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Thread: The Subcontinent of Takunda - WIP

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    Wip The Subcontinent of Takunda - WIP

    Hey all. First, I must warn you, I am new to this. Well, kinda, I've been drawing maps since as long as I can remember. However, computer maps are new to me.
    Because of this, I decided to make this - an MS paint map of my usual setting, Takunda. My novelette, The Dragon and the Mage, as well as me and my girlfriend's roleplays all take place in this world. So making a map is necessary.

    Engarnia, the kingdom of the humans, has so far been most of my focus. Thus, it's the most developed. I WILL make a GIMP map soon, and when I do it'll probably be Engarnia.

    Two reasons I made an MS Paint map:

    1. To go ahead and have locations and basic geography figured out for my stories
    2. So that I can quickly figure out my world before committing it to a GIMP'd map.

    I am pretty much ready to start on a GIMP map of Engarnia, but I am not sure which direction to take. Brushes? Map styles? Just those two have given me a headache. I don't have a tablet, but I do have a scanner. Any suggestions on how I could use it?

    Here's the obligatory map of Takunda, and a map of Engarnia (er, it's huge...)
    Takunda plans (updated).pngEngarnia.png

    I'm not sure why I am posting this. I'd like to keep track of where I go from here, yes, but I understand you guys are experienced far more than I am, so I guess I am looking for feedback. Is there anything unnatural? Anything else you can tell me? Any recommended brushes or techniques, etc etc etc...

    In return, well, I don't really have anything to offer besides my short story, haha. If anyone is interested in reading it, here:

    Side note: I've read plenty tutorials and howtos on this site Just to keep the impending suggestions to read them all at bay. Although, if there is a specific one you would suggest, I probably missed it, and I'd be happy to look at it.

    EDIT: Spelling
    Last edited by tyrandan2; 07-30-2012 at 07:14 PM.

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