Chashio's right - it looks really nice, especially for a first. In my book a map right in your first post is worth a bit of rep - thanks for jumping right in.

You've got a sea-to-sea river there in the north - that won't work. Water has to flow downhill. If that admittedly terse rule doesn't clear it up, take a look at the Most Excellent tutorial on How To Get Your Rivers In The Right Place. The little river at the far NE is odd - I wouldn't expect it to skim so close to those little bays without ending there - try just rotating it more onshore and see if it looks better.

The combination of extremely crinkly mountain bits with the almost sketch-painted wider expanses of mountains seems odd. I guess it's an amount-of-detail thing - I would expect the level of detail to be pretty consistent across all your elements. The forest texture too - it has shadows within the texture itself, and the mountains have shadows - one expects each expanse of forest to be a 3-D view, with maybe a bit of shadow rimming their SE, instead of being gently faded into the neighboring terrain.

I actually like the interrupted vivid surf-line; don't know why :-). Is it an artifact of how you generated it, or is it on purpose?

Does Jaiman already exist, as even general land outlines, or are you going to let its shapes be whatever you generate as maps? What's the scale of this bit, by the way? The symbol scale seems to say "island" more than "continent", but you could settle that with a scale bar.

Nice work - keep at it!