Hello! This is my first post in this forum, mostly because I really needed to make a nice world map for a DnD campaign i'll be running for my friends. I only just installed the latest version of the GIMP, so I am about as new to the program as they come. This tutorial seemed simple and easy to make a nice map, and I started right away. However, as soon as I completed making my mountains brush, I ran into a problem. I went to the top left corner of the screen, clicked "Save as" and the named the brush Mountains Tall.gih, as instructed. In the Select File_Type slot, i put down Gimp brush (animated), but in the folders option, there wasn't a spot for brushes. Just pictures, documents, desktop, ect. I browsed for such a folder but could not find one. I tried making a brushes folder, but no matter what I do, the brush Mountains (Tall) does not show up in my brushes dialogue. I don't want to be a bother, and sorry if i am, but I am just really confused here. It's entirely possible I am just skipping over the neccessary step when it's right in front of me, as I am as green as they come with this program. Please help, and sorry for being so clueless.