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Thread: Black and white map for D&D campaign

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    Default Black and white map for D&D campaign

    Hey guys,

    It has been awhile since I came here with a request for a map for my D&D campaign. I got an excellent map then which served very well so far, but now I would need it expanded.

    The rule of the thumb for this map was that it should be about size of France and in "similar region" as France with a small kingdom on it. What I would now need is lots of uninhabitated space around it - and an empire/kingdom (just a few cities with capital will do) which kingdom of already drawn cities (Alliance of Cities) has not yet found. (I guess it should not be as far as USA is to Europe, perhaps there should just be a large island? Something like Great Britain? Or really remote peninsula, still attached to main landmass. Maybe, if not something unknown, then at least really remote, but if possible "left" or "right" of the current map/peninsula. The size of the map would be limited by having enough space for this Alliance of Cities to not know about it.

    Quality can be low, as long as it is readable. There is really no time frame on when I need this. Within next few weeks would be ok. Copyright ... it will only be used for my personal D&D campaign ... I dont really know if anyone wants to protect that.

    So ... does anyone feel like expanding my D&D "France". (Or at least what is left of it. Wizards demolished northern part )

    Last edited by RobA; 10-30-2012 at 11:31 PM.

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