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Thread: Japanese Bathhouse Map WIP

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  1. #11


    Well, I'm opting not to do the Garden and Grounds map for several reasons:

    1. A bath house map doesn't require a garden and grounds to be useful in game - just the four floor plans are needed.
    2. Doing a preliminary page layout for this product, I've got 18 pages so far - which is really big for an encounter site product.
    3. I still need to provide sliced versions of the full scale maps and that will create 64 additional pages by itself, plus 4 full scale single map versions (4 more pages).

    That's 86 pages for an intended single complex encounter which is not even a complete adventure module. This already is a big product.

    My goal is to offer this for $2.99 or $3.99. My full module adventure products sell for $9.99 and they are only 60 pages long!?!

    I think I'm done with this location. I do plan to create both a Zaoist temple and Yokinto shrine maps in the future, and both would include Japanese gardens - so I'll leave the garden to those products when I get to them.

    Last edited by Gamerprinter; 11-19-2012 at 01:08 AM.
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