Heya Cartographers,

I have linked an example of what we are looking for.

The cartographer must have his own textures and objects that can be used commercially.

The linked map has a few features that match what we are searching for.
They include:
• In Color
• Fantasy setting
. We need a symmetrical design. (see link)
. A common spot in the center where we can put items or other hollow.
. No lines of sight from the locations of the hollows.
. 24" by 36" map with a one inch border.
• A physical divide between sides (walls, buildings, etc )
• high ground (buildings, hill etc…, this map has balconies.)
• Multiple entries and exits ( not into or out of the map but to the center or common ground)

What's a hallow? for now consider it a 10x10 space with players will be entering and exiting often and some players will need to protect.

Project Scope:
If you are interested, this would be a typical work-for-hire agreement where you are paid for your work and the company retains the rights to the item produced.
If the right person is found, Conflict Games is willing and able to commission any where from 1 to 5 maps base on your schedule and ability.

If you feel you are a match contact us at mscott @ conflictRPG .com

Conflict RPG