So, I stumbled upon this website quite by mistake but found myself loving it. With that said, I enjoy making maps, and worlds. But I really love the culture design aspect of world creation. I've seen some amazing maps here so far, and I'd love to contribute to that number at some point.

There is a project I'm working on right now which calls for a map. I've spent a long time looking at satellite photos, and elevation maps and the like to try and understand how those work and how I could better approach them. I've done next to nothing with the water in this map yet, I haven't mapped out fault lines either. I was wondering though, does anyone here have any tips to approaching something like a satellite-image sort of mountain? I've played around with emboss in PS some and have achieved only unsatisfactory results. I'm trying to avoid pulling from stock images as much as possible.

Oh yes, and do the land-masses make sense?

Revita WIP map.jpg