Hey guys and gals!
I'm getting alot of nice feedback from you guys. Never expected this much interest in my project! Thanks!
I totally agree about the coastlines being to much of the same along the continent, so my next step is to sharpen things up, making some coasts straight/curved instead of distorted, bring some contrast in there. I'm also gonna add some more small islands.
About the German dwarves, i've never planned my dwarves to be vikings in any way (they dont even wear beards). Their language is based on German, because I like the idea of humans and dwarves understanding eachother a little bit (since German and Dutch/Flemish are very simular in lots of ways). Dwarves still live in mountainous areas, but not underground. They build big castles and fortresses on key locations like mountain passes, taxing travelers for safe passage. They do have a lot of German characteristics though: a strong industry, well organised and a sophisticated bourgondian livestyle. They have perfected Gothic armor sets, crude muskets and mighty cannons. Plus i really need a medieval German civilisation in my world.
I've been working on country names last friday. Take a look and tell me what you guys think:
Human kingdoms: Berinië, Brevië, Travië, Elusië, Makkedië, Zavelland, Dererijk, Zolteland, Oostdal and Westdal.
Elven kingdoms: Petivalence, Foresse, Montile.
These names need work, ofcourse. Most of the names are based on the names of cultures, rivers, mountains and other landmarks (e.g. The river Zolte flows through Zolteland)
Yesterday I picked up the Atlas Maior from my local bookstore for 50 euro. It's A3 format and weighs a ton. Did'nt really have the time to check it out to much, but what I've seen blew my mind. LOVING IT.
I had no time this weekend to work on the actual map though. So no pictures today!
Thanks again for the input!