Previously I had tackled an island for an roleplaying game I was GM'ing. This time I was going to bite the bullet and try a whole world.

To start with I turned to Fractal Terrains 3 jumped into the World Settings and chose my fractal function of choice: -

RMF with Perlin's Improved Noise.

The settings of choice for me were ..

H (Roughness) : 0.865440011024475
Lacunarity : 2
Octaves : 30
Offset : 20
FGain : 2

Then I moved to the Primary Tab and chose ...

Highest Peak : 32000 ft.
Lowest Depth : -9842.52 ft.

Circumference 13258.6 Miles (about the size of mars)

I left the Secondary, Temperature, Rainfall and Editing as default.

Then using the next world button (f5) .. I started cranking out shapes. I was looking for something that appealed and was not too heavy in the tropical area. The world I was looking for had significant land mass in the temperate zones preferably.

After about 30-40 tries I found a world I liked the look of, you can see it below here, a larger version is attached at the bottom.

It reminded me loosely of our own planet and had a pleasing shape, lots of potential landmass in the temperate zones. This would do nicely.

I then proceeded to add some land to the map and break some of those odd continental links and ended up with the following: -

This was much closer to what I wanted. To add the landmass I changed the editing resolution to Custom 8190 (maximum) with Prescale offset editing turned on.

I then selected the Paint Raise - Prescale Land Offset, set the width and height of the brush to 255 pixels and changed the value to 0.05. This would allow me to gently raise the land I wanted from the sea, I occasionally flipped the value to a negative when/if I went too far. When I got to a point I was happy with I saved my work and moved the resulting file over to a "Keep" folder in case I had to rewind at any point later.

More later ... as we move to WILBUR for the further editing process!

Any comments or critique welcome.

irythstart.jpg irythaddland.jpg