Hai-Etlik- You were right. I did download ArcGIS. I downloaded the other one but haven't really checked it out yet. I might if I'm feeling up to it

I see what you mean about the 'jumps'. I went about fixing them earlier today but photoshop crashed on me and I hadn't saved it. That kinda made me lose steam. I'll probably try again tomorrow though.

In other news, I altered the land shapes a bit. Most of it is still the same, only moved around, with pretty much only one large section that's new. I colored it real quick because I couldn't help myself

I also fixed the distortion in the small southwestern landmass and the islands underneath it, as well as the larger set of islands in the northeast.

Veriel-Alter-Stitch.jpg Veriel-Alt-Color-Poles.jpg

I'm also thinking about what sort of projection to do this in when it's closer to finished. Right now I'm thinking something like Winkle Tripel or Robinson. Thoughts?