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Thread: [WIP] The Stranded Isles

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  1. #1
    Guild Novice Vurtax's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    The World of Soni

    Wip [WIP] The Stranded Isles

    The Stranded Isles, a tropical chain located in the heart of the Altirian Ocean.

    In my fictional universe. The Modern Races time began with a brutal war that eventually sent nearly all of them evacuating the Heartlands in the southern Hemisphere known as Lortai most of them went North across the great expanse of the Altirian Ocean (the more prominent races call it that). For the 6 races (last I checked) who made the Exodus north, only two had come across the chain of volcanic islands that would come to be known as the Stranded Isles.

    The Kredoc (lizard men like Argonians in TES but more dinosaur-like) attempted to establish permanent residence on the chain, but soon realized they face harsh weather (monsoons, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions) a whole slew of lethal diseases, and very dangerous Kvari (the world of Soni's term for wildlife).

    Their efforts weren't exactly wasted, as they found something on the largest of the isles that would soon be a culture-spanning necessity, the Ymithiir Fruit. It grows on vines along the shoreline, and is a very potent euphoric drug when fermented and boiled. As technology progresses, the common "consumption" of Ymithiir involves a steampunk-style pipe with a tiny boiler at the bottom.
    My mapping style I know is rather amateur and far from any sense of realism. It's partly because I haven't found a mapping style I want to emulate that uses color liberally enough in my opinion to express life within my world without doing satellite imagery style. If anyone knows of one, I'd love a link. And I still wonder if I want the sunburst effect. But I'd like to hear your thoughts anyway.

    Btw, Ymithiir has a spin of mountains down the center, I just haven't applied them yet. Along with Patasa's.

    Last edited by Vurtax; 05-10-2013 at 03:09 AM.

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