The red names are official nations. The name under the nation's name is the current ruler. The nation's border color is based on the following:
Orange = Kingdom (ruled by a monarch: king or queen)
Yellow = Petty Kingdom (ruled by lesser royalty: prince, duke, etc...)
Red = Stratocracy (ruled my military)
Cyan = Republic (ruled by an elected official)
Grey = Empire (group of regions ruled by an emperor, empress) (none shown)
Blue = Theocracy (ruled by a deity, governed by their church)
Purple = Plutocracy (ruled by the wealthy)
Green = Magocracy (ruled by arcane spell casters)
White = Aristocracy (ruled by elite citizens / nobles)
Other symbols:
Star = capital
Circle = large metropolis (nothing smaller is represented for sake of space and sanity) (circles inside nations belong to the nation, circles outside are free city-states)
Square = stronghold
Triangle = point of interest
Triple Red Dots = smaller, 'unofficial' regions of other races -- (D) Dwarf -- (H) Halfling -- (G) Gnome -- (E) Elf