Brand new here, jumping in with a question straight away. I hope this is a matter of tweaking a setting or two in FT3 or Wilbur...

I've got a world map originally generated many years ago in Wilbur and since messed with in various versions of FT, most recently FT3. I'm committed to the world -- it's part of a developing storyworld, so I (unfortunately?) can't abandon this map. But!

The map, using the ridged multifractal formula in FT3, has some very sharp curved lines in the land masses. These are interpreted as very narrow lines of relatively high elevation. They really mess with things like river generation and whatnot, and of course don't make much sense from a realism standpoint.

Here's a screenshot that will hopefully show what I'm talking about. The full size version really shows it:


Can anyone (Joe?) point me in the right direction?

